Sunday, September 30, 2012

Earliest Reward for Silah Rehmi (caring for relatives):

Earliest Return for Silah Rehmi (caring for relatives):

The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Of all good deeds, the earliest return one gets is on Silah Rehmi (caring for relatives); to the point that even if the members of a bad and disobedient family (rebellious to Allah) practice Silah Rehmi their wealth is increased. A person who practices Silah Rehmi never has any member of his clan become dependent.” [Saheeh Ibn Hibban]

Some people think that Silah Rehmi (taking care of relatives) can only be done with money. This is a defective understanding. Silah Rehmi is the effort one undertakes to bring any good and to prevent anything bad from reaching your near and distant relatives.

Silah Rehmi is rewarded even if done by a Kaafir or Munaafiq. Of course, their reward is limited to returns in this world only, for they have no share in the Hereafter.


  1. Brother Abu Hamza, you are doing a valuable service to the Ummah!!!

  2. Wife and my brother and brother's wife don't get aling. What should a person do if his wife wants him to stay away from his brother and fights with husband if he wants to do sila rehmi? The husband is fed up of fighting with her every other day on this topic.
